Rethinking Solar Exposure and Skin Care: Getting the Facts on Vitamin D Straight


All around the world, during every summer, people face the dilemma of how to address the question of protecting their skin from the supposedly harmful rays of the sun. For the last several decades there has been a sea of misinformation regarding solar exposure and it is only due to recent research findings that the truth is beginning to come to light. In many places around the world, public health campaigns enacted by well-meaning government’s lead to the spreading of fear regarding the sun combined with the suggestion that sunscreens and blocks were the only way to be outside safely.

The problem with these well-intentioned messages is that they were not completely accurate. Skin cancer is a very real thing but the best leading science nowadays does not paint the sun as some evil culprit waiting to harm us. Remember humans have evolved on planet earth for millions of years, out enjoying the sun to varying degrees before the invention of chemical concoctions. Now there is no reason to believe the sun poses no danger and any amount of exposure is safe, but here is the important point, a balanced and personal approach is probably the best answer for most people.

What I mean by this, is it makes sense to be aware of one’s skin type and how it reacts to solar exposure. Sunscreen during times of extreme exposure might be the best choice for some. Others may feel they are happier not to use sunscreen and simply avoid being exposed during times when the sun is stronger such as at midday. The thing is, everyone should decide what levels are best for them based on their unique complexion and skin type. Furthermore, if products are going to be used, care should be taken to use natural sun protectants wherever possible.

Natural sunscreens can be very effective and a huge benefit they have over most mainstream sunscreens you will find sold is they DO NOT CONTAIN CHEMICALS that cause cancer. Here is more info about the dangers of chemical sunscreens.

Did you get that last part because it’s essential and hinges into a very key point to take home from this article? The chemicals that people slather on themselves in their beauty rituals, if mainstream and chosen without concern, are likely to contain the very substances that LITERALLY cause what the sun has been purported to cause. The thing is the science doesn’t add up.

You see, Vitamin D, and exposure to it, from the natural healing rays of the sun is actually extremely antioxidant and as a result is extremely detrimental to cancer growth. Read about how Vitamin D prevents Skin Cancer. It’s true, if you avoid the sun, use sunscreen and have very low levels of Vitamin D, you open yourself up to a plethora of negative health outcomes which can really compromise your wellness and longevity.

Get the facts straight. Vitamin D does not in any way shape or form, cause cancer. It is essential in the body’s defenses against cancer. If you severely limit your time in the sun and always use chemical sunscreens, you will lower your Vitamin D levels and elevate your risk to a variety of cancers.

That’s the thing, in efforts to try to avoid skin cancer, which is not actually caused by the sun, people around the world have been exposing their families to toxic chemicals, while at the same time, not getting the amounts of solar exposure that are necessary for proper health.

Sunscreen can be useful, but natural options that work with individual skin types are strongly recommended over mainstream chemical cocktails. Take the time to educate yourself about the products you use in your home and on your body. Do not believe advertisers at face about the claims the make about their products. It is up to you to ensure the health of your family.

It is always a good idea to spend at least a little bit of your day in the sunshine. It needn’t be a lot, but at the very least an hour or two a day is good for anyone, at any point of the year. Even better yet, elevate your heart rate a bit, chat with friends, it doesn’t matter. Being outside is a healthy and natural part of life.

The healing power of Vitamin D can support your health and best self. Read more about the healing power of Vitamin D.

The more you know, the better you can take care of yourself!

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