Could The Herpes Virus Cure Skin Cancer?


According to a recent study arranged by the UK’s Institute of Cancer Research, a genetically fabricated version of the herpes virus appears to have the power to not only eradicate invading cancer cells, but will also jump start your immune system to fight back against them.

Treatments For Skin Cancer

This new and exciting treatment is called T-VEC, and is considered a viral therapy. While it’s still in its infancy stages of trial and research, the results are promising. Because this type of treatment can directly target the cells it’s looking for, the side effects are fewer and less invasive. The study included 436 patients who suffered from malignant melanoma that was unsuitable for surgery, and researchers also reported an increased level of success when the cancer was caught early.

Another type of relatively new and nonsurgical treatment that’s made it’s way into normal practice is called Photodynamic therapy, or PDT. This can be an option for certain variations of the disease, and essentially involves treating your affected skin to a special light that zaps the cancer cells, after you’ve consumed a medication that makes your skin extra sensitive to the light.

Surgery continues to be the most common treatment for most types of skin cancer, and there are also the more traditional and commonly known skin cancer treatments of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is rarely used as treatment; if administered it usually comes in the form of a cream.

Getting A Diagnosis and Treatment

Unfortunately, a huge number of people will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. The most important thing you can do is monitor your skin, so that anything developing will be caught as early as possible. Often, your GP will refer you to a Dermatologist, or you can simply visit one yourself. You can easily find an online Dermatologist as well, but most people will prefer to see someone in person.

If you have any symptoms or concerns, you should see a Dermatologist right away. Many forms of skin cancer will start with skin discolouration, spots or growths. Your Dermatologist will have the experience and tools to properly diagnose and treat any type of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas. Each case is unique, so there are many variable that will dictate what type of treatment is most suitable. It depends on the size, number, location and stage of the cancer. There are additional factors to consider as well, such as the overall health of the patient and past medical history.

When it comes to early detection, a method called Mole Mapping can be extremely beneficial, and even life saving. Monitoring the changes of your skin over time is the best way for early detection, so if you’re at higher risk than average, a Dermatologist can help you before any problems have actually occurred.

As always, your safest bet is to seek advice from a medical professional with any personal questions or concerns.