Is It Really That Bad To Sleep With My Makeup On?


Many women ask themselves this question on a daily basis. You’ve been running around like a crazy person all day — the LAST thing you want to do when you finally crawl into your PJ’s is head into the washroom and start peeling the day off your face. Unfortunately, not taking these few minutes each night might be doing more damage than you think.

So… is it really that bad? Yes, it is. Here’s why:


The biggest and most obvious culprit to not removing your makeup will always be the impending break-outs. When a foundation is left on your face, it will eventually start to breakout and expose your skin to bacteria. This is why it’s so important to use a good face wash that will remove the foundation and all of its residue.


This is a less commonly known issue, but when makeup mixes with sweat, grease, and dirt, it can cause oxidative damage to the skin. What does this mean to you? Premature wrinkles. This damage will cause your collagen to start breaking down, which is what leads us along the pre-determined path of fine lines and wrinkles. But why would you want to start your journey earlier than you have to?


This is one that most of us will experience when going to bed without removing eye makeup. The skin around your eyes is ultra-sensitive, and prolonged wear of eyeliner and mascara will almost always become an irritant. The next day, you wind up with swollen, itchy eyes.


This is something that can become an issue with repeatedly not removing your makeup before you hit the sack. When you’re wearing makeup all the time, it stops your skin from having the ability to absorb the essential oils and nutrients. This means when you finally do get around to washing and moisturizing, the effects won’t be as good as they should be.


If you’re not removing your makeup each night, this means you’re not washing and moisturizing. If you’re not washing and moisturizing, you’re certainly not exfoliating. To keep your skin looking vibrant, glowing and healthy, you’ve got to exfoliate. This is how you will remove dead skins cells, and allow the fresh skin to shine brightly.

So ladies, don’t forget — if you can take the time to put makeup on in the morning, do yourself a favor and make the time to remove it each night. Your skin will thank you!