Your Mohs Experience

Supporting You Every Step of the Way

From understanding the Mohs procedure to preparing for the day and caring for yourself afterward, we are here to provide the information and support you need. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge to ensure a smoother experience.

The strength of unity

Let's walk this path together, because you are not alone in your fight against skin cancer.

– The Arsenault Mohs Team

Please Read Carefully:

Pre Surgery Instructions

Preparing for your Mohs surgery is a crucial step towards a successful outcome. Our ‘Mohs Pre Instructions’ offer vital guidance on diet, medications, and other considerations ahead of your procedure. These instructions are designed to help make your journey towards recovery as smooth as possible, equipping you with the knowledge you need to confidently navigate the period leading up to your procedure.

Click below to access the complete instructions and set yourself up for a smooth surgical journey. Any questions or concerns? Our team is just a call away.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please please call our office. We are here to help!

Please Read Carefully:

Post Surgery Instructions

This is your guide through the important period following your Mohs surgery. Remember, the journey doesn’t end when the surgery is over. Proper care and attention during your recovery phase are paramount to ensuring a successful outcome.

We have carefully crafted a set of instructions to aid your recovery process. This includes crucial information on wound care, medication management, and necessary lifestyle modifications. It’s essential to be aware of potential signs of complications to ensure prompt action if needed. By clicking the button below, you’ll access all the details necessary for a smooth and guided recovery journey. Your well-being is our top priority.

About Mohs Surgery

Mohs is a tissue sparing procedure performed by a trained Mohs surgeon to treat skin cancer. Most Mohs surgeons are dermatologist who have completed extensive training in Mohs surgery.

Mohs surgery allows you to keep as much healthy skin as possible because the surgeon only removes the skin with cancer cells. This is especially important when skin cancer develops in an area with little tissue beneath (e.g., eyelid, ear, or hand).

This surgery can take 2-6 hours. It all depends how deep or wide the cancer cells are. Mohs surgery has a cure rate of over 98%.

The Mohs surgeon will first examine the area to be treated and confirm the site with you. You will then be prepped for the surgery. The site will be cleaned and then injected with a local anesthetic. This injection only numbs the area that will be treated. You will be awake during the surgery.

The Mohs surgeon will then cut the visible skin cancer out and then a thin layer of surrounding skin. While the tissue that has been removed is being processed in the lab, you will be bandaged up and will wait typically around 1-2 hours.

Once the tissue has been processed, the Mohs surgeon will examine the tissue under a microscope to see if all the skin cancer cells have been removed. If the Mohs surgeon sees more cancer cells, he/she will need to remove another thin layer of skin. You will then repeat the process.

Once cancer cells are no longer seen, your surgeon will decide how to treat your wound. Some wounds heal nicely without stitches. Others need stitches. To minimize the scar and help the area heal, some patients require a skin graft or other type of surgery. The Mohs surgeon will communicate with you what type of closure you will have.

For more detailed information please refer to the America Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD).

Mohs Surgery The Most Effective Treatment for Skin Cancer